We use only the experts in their fields. This includes historians with experience and special skills (like translating ancient text); tech managers and programmers from Silicon Valley; and a sales team with years of experience. Come meet our team.

Meet Zack. Zack Edwards left high school hating history, because of how it was taught. In college, he was given an assignment to create a product that would change the world, so he created Historical Conquest: a game that looks like Pokemon, and plays like Risk, but every card is history-based. After a successful career as a Construction Manager, and manager for the State of Alaska, he was prompted by some students to bring back his game. 7 years later, selling over 35,000 on his own, he is now starting phase #2, by first forming this team of experts (below), and then building the most interactive, history-based, teaching website ever developed. Now they are growing the greatest database of accurate, age appropriate history ever formed.

Conor Robison came to Historical Conquest as an undergraduate intern and now heads the writing department, but his passion for history stretches way back into single digits. It began with his grandfather’s war stories and skyrocketed from there into a fervor that cannot be dulled. Graduating from Truman State University with degrees in Philosophy and Religion, and Creative Writing, he’s since dedicated himself towards creating a curriculum bent upon engagement and understanding of the historical past.

Bethany Flynn Sosh is our Executive Assistant and Editor. Bethany has a Bachelor degree in Criminology and Law, from the University of Florida. She was born and raised in Florida, where she spent 14 years working as a litigation paralegal, specializing first in personal injury, and then family law. The years spent doing research, preparing and reviewing court documents, interacting with clients, and preparing for – and participating in – trial, are a significant asset to her role in our company. She recently moved to Kentucky, where she resides with her husband, daughter, and their 3 dogs. As a parent, and former foster parent, she reviews all of our educational materials, to ensure they are age appropriate, and keeps our office up-to-date on administrative tasks.

A lifelong Texas resident, Jennifer Allen has spent more than two decades of her career dedicated to working in education, both as a teacher, and in K-12 sales. Throughout her tenure in the education realm, she has worked as an educational sales representative for various companies, including Kaplan Early Learning Company, Scantron, Amplify, and most recently, has been an independent consultant working with start-up companies to help develop their business plan and build brand awareness. Allen also works at the legislative level and successfully filed two bills during the 86th session.

Billie has traveled the world for history, writing, and archaeology – specializing in British history. I’ve spent years living and working all over the U.K. in pursuit of research for various projects. My true passions lie in world mythologies, British history, women’s history and ethnic studies. While I still maintain this position, I’ve recently joined Historical Conquest to further my writing career. Currently, I’m in charge of the Texas History curriculum due to my extensive background in the subject. I’m constantly learning and love to share what I learn!