Operation Shingle

Operation Shingle


Activity Video
Lamson, Maj. Roy, Jr.; Conn, Dr. Stetson. Anzio Beachhead 22 January - 25 May, 1944. (Washington:Government Printing Office, 1948), 3. (Accessed August 16, 2019) https://history.army.mil/books/wwii/anziobeach/anzio-landing.htm.
Lamson and Conn. Anzio Beachhead, 2. Gray, Capt. Stephen P. Anzio (Operation Shingle): An Operational Perspective. (Newport: Naval War College, 1994), 4. (Accessed August 16, 2019) https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a279621.pdf.
Clark. Gen. Mark W. Calculated Risk. (New York: Harper Collins, 1950), 385.
Bluemeson, Martin. “The Trouble with Anzio.” Army 1994: 40 - 46.
Lamson and Conn. Anzio Beachhead, 5.
Ibid. 4 -5.
Lucas, Gen. John P. “From Algiers to Anzio.” Unpublished Diary of Major General John P. Lucas as quoted in Gray. Anzio (Operation Shingle), 13.
Clark. “Diary Entry, January 20, 1944” in Calculated Risks, 400.
Bluemenson, Martin. United States Army in WWII: The Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Salerno to Cassino. (Washington D.C.: US Army Center of Military History, 1993), 346.
Clark. “Diary entry January 22, 1944” in Bluemenson. Salerno to Cassino, 347.
Ibid. 359.
Ibid. 390 - 391. Lamson and Conn. Anzio Beachhead, 20.
“With the Allied Beachhead forces in Italy, March 28, 1944.” Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches. Edited by David Nichols. (New York: Random House, 1986), 236.

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